How much breastmilk should a newborn consume: A feeding chart for new parents

A photo of a woman feeding a newborn and wondering 'how much breastmilk a newborn should eat'.


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Created with Hector Chapa, MD, FACOG, Clinical associate professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology Texas A&M University, College of Medicine in Bryan-College Station, USA

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In a nutshell

A newborn weighing 5-6.5 pounds should be given approximately 1.5-2 ounces of milk or more per feeding according to their demand. Similarly, a newborn weighing 7-8.5 pounds can be administered up to 2.7 ounces of milk per feeding. 

A newborn weighing 8 to 10 pounds can be given up to 3 ounces of milk per feeding. This is a rough estimate of your baby’s feeding requirement based on weight, but they’re not rigid values. It can vary according to the individual baby’s needs.

  • In addition, it is essential to recognize your newborn hunger cues and avoid overfeeding or forceful feeding as appetite varies from one baby to another.
  • Some hunger cues include fussiness or crying and sucking or taking their fingers, thumbs or hands in their mouth. 
  • Fullness cues include taking their head away from the breast or milk bottle, spitting out milk, appearing less interested in feeding, and being relaxed.

Breast milk is the only and most important diet for a newborn, hence it is crucial to understand how much breastmilk should a newborn eat for healthy growth and development.

Both an excessive or a low supply of breastmilk to your baby can hinder their development, make them uncomfortable, and affect their overall health. So, let’s discuss the right amount of breastmilk for your baby and explore the baby breastmilk intake chart according to their age in detail.

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Why knowing your baby’s milk intake matters

Breastmilk is composed of 87% water content and 11-13% nutrients that include vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. It also contains antibodies that strengthen your baby’s immune system and help them fight infections and diseases. Hence, breastmilk is a complete source of nutrition for your baby and its proper intake can support their growth and development.

With that, it is essential to realize that it’s normal for newborns to regulate their milk intake and demand based on hunger and fullness, which can vary from time to time. They are born with the ability to adjust their intake according to their need and show hunger and fullness cues. Understanding and responding to these newborn cues can help moms understand when their babies are hungry or full.

👉Find out more: Signs of ovulation after giving birth: What new moms need to know

How much breastmilk should a newborn drink?

Here is the recommended average breast milk breastfeeding chart by age for newborns and babies:

AgeNumber of feedings/ Time intervals between milk intakeRecommended breastmilk intake
Day 1-2Every 1-3 hours5-7 mL per feeding
Week 1Every 2-4 hours45 – 60 mL or 1 ½ - 2 ounces of milk per feeding
Week 2-3Every 2-4 hours80 – 150 mL or 2 ½ - 5 ounces per feeding
Month 1-2Around 7 to 9 feedings daily3–4 oz per feeding
Month 3-46–8 feedings daily4–6 oz per feeding
Month 5-65-6 times a day6 ounces per feeding

How to read your baby’s hunger and fullness cues

Some signs that can indicate your baby is hungry or full include:

Hunger cuesFullness cues
Sucking or taking their fingers, thumbs or hands in mouth.Closing their mouth in response to a milk bottle or breast or sucking slowly.
Fussiness or crying.Appearing relaxed and content.
Turning or rotating their heads in search of a bottle or breast.Spitting out milk.
Grasping their fists over their tummy or chest.Becoming easily distracted when feeding.

How do I know my baby is getting enough milk?

Some signs that indicate your baby is getting enough milk include:

  • Your baby is breastfeeding frequently, at least 8-12 times in 24 hours.
  • They seem satisfied and relaxed during and after feeding.
  • Their cheeks appear rounded during sucking. 
  • You can hear them swallowing. 
  • When you breastfeed your baby, they start with a couple of fast and rapid sucks and then gradually start sucking slowly followed by swallows and pauses in between.
  • Your baby seems alert, fresh and healthy when they are awake and breastfed. 
  • After the first two weeks, a steady weight gain and 6-8 wet diapers daily is another sign that your baby is feeding properly and getting enough milk.
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Feeding tips for breastfeeding moms

Here are some practical tips for breastfeeding moms:

1. Focus on your diet

  • The first tip for breastfeeding moms is to focus on your own diet and ensure sufficient water intake up to 2700 mL per day. 
  • Breastfeeding requires a lot of nutrients and energy from a mother, so, as a breastfeeding mom, you should eat a healthy and nutrient-rich diet. This will help you deliver sufficient nutrients to your baby and improve their milk supply.
  • A healthy diet can include foods rich in protein, iron and calcium, like eggs, lean meat, beans, leafy green vegetables, whole grains, citrus fruits, soy yogurt, soy milk, seafood, and lentils. 
  • You shouldn’t consume alcohol and caffeine, as it can negatively affect your baby’s health.

👉Find out more: 10 foods to avoid while breastfeeding: What to skip for a healthy baby and milk supply

2. Latch

  • A good latch with your baby is necessary for effective breastfeeding and proper milk supply. 
  • A proper latch stimulates oxytocin release and ensures effective milk removal and breast emptying, maintaining a healthy milk supply. 
  • So, while breastfeeding, make sure your baby’s mouth is wide open and their head is properly aligned with your breast and their lips are sealed around your areola.

3. Feed on demand and avoid forceful feeding

The next tip for breastfeeding moms is to avoid forceful feeding. Remember that your newborn’s stomach is very small and they may get full quickly and need to feed often but little. 

Moreover, the feeding requirements of every baby can differ. It is essential to feed your baby on demand, stop when they seem full or no longer interested in feeding, and avoid forceful feeding.

4. Burp after feeding

After breastfeeding, don’t forget to burp your baby. It will help remove air bubbles from their stomach which can later cause stomach pain and discomfort. You can burp your newborn over your shoulders by gently patting them on their back. 

It’s normal for milk production to fluctuate in breastfeeding moms. A healthy diet, proper latch, and frequent feeding can help improve milk supply. Moreover, gradually, the milk production of moms adjusts according to their baby’s needs, so there is nothing to worry about

If you are still concerned about how much your baby is feeding or your milk supply despite ensuring a healthy diet, you should consult your doctor or your baby’s pediatrician for tailored advice.

Questions from the Femia community

  • Should I wake my baby for feedings in the first weeks?

    Yes, if your baby is underweight or sleeps for a prolonged duration without being fed, you should wake him every 2-3 hours for feeding, particularly in the first weeks.

  • How do I pump the right amount of breast milk for bottles?

    You can pump the right amount of breastmilk for bottles by pumping small amounts of milk, like 2-3 oz at a time whenever you feed your baby.

  • How does my milk supply match my baby’s needs?

    Frequent breastfeeding during the initial hours, days, and weeks of giving birth signals your body to produce the right amount of milk that matches your baby's needs. So, you can increase your breast milk production by breastfeeding more frequently.

  • Do growth spurts affect breast milk intake?

    Yes, babies breastfeed more often and for longer duration during growth spurts. The increase in nursing causes your breast milk production to increase in turn. This pattern of frequent, back-to-back feeding sessions over a short period, which may be accompanied by a longer stretch without feeding,  is known as cluster feeding.

The bottom line

Every baby’s appetite and feeding requirements may be different. Our ‘How much breastmilk should a newborn eat chart’ provides a general guideline for the average milk intake of a newborn according to age and weight.

However, it is crucial to recognize your baby’s hunger and fullness cues and feed them according to demand to ensure that your baby gets the right amount of nutrition according to their body’s requirements.

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