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Stages of labor: What to expect from early contractions to birth

- Updated Feb 25, 2025
- Published
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- Your cervix needs to dilate to 10 cm for you to be able to give birth to your baby. The first stage of labor begins with the onset of regular, painful contractions and is subdivided into latent and active. The latent phase is the onset of contractions to 6cm and the active phase is 6cm to 10cm.
- You should time your contractions and head to the hospital when you have been experiencing a contraction lasting at least one minute every five minutes for at least one hour.
- The second stage of labor is when you give birth to your baby. After the birth, you enter the third stage of labor and deliver your placenta. The fourth stage of labor is the immediate postpartum period, covering the first few hours of your baby’s life.
Your baby is tucked up safely in your uterus for the duration of your pregnancy. For birth to occur, your cervix must dilate to let your baby through. Labor is a series of progressive uterine contractions that help the cervix to dilate and thin out so the baby can move through the birth canal.
Understanding the different stages of labor can give you an idea of what to expect and help you manage your expectations for birth. This guide will provide an oversight of the four stages of labor and answer questions like, “How dilated are you when your water breaks?”
The four stages of labor
While every labor is unique, there are general patterns that labor usually follows, including the four main stages of labor:
- First stage: subdivided into latent and active
- Second stage
- Third stage
- Fourth stage: immediate postpartum period
How long does labor last?
Though we like to know how long things will take, birth doesn’t work like that. It’s impossible to answer questions like, “Contractions 3 minutes apart, how long until birth?” or “Contractions 7 minutes apart, how long until birth?” Your birth will be a unique experience and, unfortunately, the only way to know how long it will take is to wait and see.
The labor for a woman having her first baby typically lasts up to 20 hours. Women who have given birth before tend to have shorter labors, lasting up to 14 hours.
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First stage: Early labor (latent phase)
Before labor begins, you will enter the latent phase of labor (also known as pre-labor). The latent phase covers the period of dilation from 0–6 cm. It is called the ”latent phase” because you are not in active labor during this period. That doesn’t mean you won’t be experiencing strong contractions at 3 cm dilated, but that these contractions are unlikely to be regular.
Early labor can last hours or days. You generally don’t need to be in hospital during this stage of labor. Instead, you should:
- Rest—you’ll need your energy when labor starts, so try to get some sleep now.
- Eat—eat to keep your energy levels up for labor.
- Stay hydrated.
- Bounce on your birth ball to open up your pelvis.
- Go for a gentle walk to encourage your baby into position.
- Connect with your partner—snuggle up together and watch your favorite TV show. This might be the last time you get to be alone for a while. It’s worth noting that sex can help to induce labor.
How many cm dilated when water breaks?
Though the movies may suggest otherwise, not everybody experiences their waters breaking as the first sign of labor. In fact, there’s no easy answer to the question, ”at what dilation does water break?” Some women experience a gush of water before their first contraction, and other women find their waters only break minutes before birth.
You may notice you lose your mucus plug before your contractions start. This is different from your waters breaking. Your mucus plug covers the entrance to the cervix during pregnancy. Losing your mucus plug is generally considered a good sign that labor is on the way.
What does it feel like when your waters break?
This experience varies between women. It may feel different depending on how dilated you are when your water breaks. Some women feel a gentle popping sensation followed by a trickle of fluid. Other women don’t notice the pop and mistakenly assume the trickle is pee. If your waters break just before birth, you may feel relief as the pressure in your body eases.
First stage: Active labor
Active labor begins once you reach 6 cm dilated. Around this stage, you will notice your contractions become stronger and more frequent. Once your contractions become more frequent, it’s time to start timing them. Ask your partner to use a contraction timer app on their phone or a good old-fashioned stopwatch and notepad.
When you’ve been experiencing a contraction lasting at least one minute, every five minutes or so, for an hour, it’s time to go to the hospital (or ask your midwife to come over, if you’re having a home birth).
Towards the end of the first stage, as you approach the second stage of labor, you will enter transition. Different women experience transition in different ways. Some enjoy a short break and are able to rest before the second stage of labor. Others feel a strong urge to push.
Some women find the transition phase overwhelming and frustrating. Your birth partner will need to provide support and reassurance during the transition.
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Second stage: Pushing and birth
If you’re wondering, “How many centimeters to give birth?” The answer is 10 cm. Once you are fully dilated to 10 cm, you are in the second stage of labor. You may feel a build-up of pressure and a strong urge to poo. The second stage of labor may last up to two hours, though it can be less if you’ve given birth before. Focus on your breathing during contractions, and be sure to utilize the tools from your prenatal classes (eg, visualizations, hypnobirthing, and counting exercises).
Choosing a position to give birth in
Now that you’re entering the second stage, it’s time to find a position to push. Remember, gravity can help your baby travel down the birth canal, so good positions to open up your pelvis include:
- Standing,
- Leaning,
- Squatting,
- On all fours.
The key is to find the position you feel most comfortable in. If you start to feel uncomfortable, switch positions, and try something new. By the end of the second stage of labor, you will be holding your newborn baby in your arms.
Third stage: Delivering the placenta
While you may feel that giving birth to a baby is enough for one day, your body now needs to expel the placenta. It’s up to you whether you have a physiological (natural) or managed third stage, so discuss this with your healthcare provider in advance.
Fourth stage: Immediate postpartum recovery
The first few hours after birth are known as the fourth stage of labor. If you experience a tear during the birth, a doctor will suture it as soon as possible. For the first hour or so after birth, your healthcare provider will monitor you and your baby to ensure all is well. However, you’re unlikely to notice this, because you’ll be busy falling in love with your perfect newborn.
If you’re planning to breastfeed, you should initiate as soon as possible. Your healthcare provider will provide support and encouragement to help you learn the basics of breastfeeding. Skin-to-skin contact can help establish breastfeeding, encourage bonding, and regulate your baby’s temperature. Ensure that you place a blanket over yourself and your baby to maintain body heat.
Common labor concerns
Each labor is different, so it’s impossible to predict how things will go, even if you’ve given birth before. You may feel anxious about giving birth, but understanding the stages of labor and what is happening to your body can help you stay calm during labor.
When to go to the hospital
Labor can be a slow progress, so there’s generally no need to rush straight to the hospital at the first twinge of a contraction. In fact, you may feel more comfortable resting at home during the latent phase of labor.
Once you start experiencing regular contractions, start timing them. You can download a contraction timer app for your phone or use a watch to time your contractions. The 5-1-1 method is an easy way to remember when it’s time to go to the hospital. When you’re having contractions every five minutes that last for at least one minute and have been experiencing these for one hour, it’s time to head to the hospital.
What to do if labor stalls
There are a few things you can try if your labor isn’t progressing, including:
- Changing position: Upright positions that open your pelvis and allow gravity to help the baby down the birth canal can encourage stronger contractions. Try kneeling on a mat on the floor and leaning over a birth ball or standing and leaning into your birth partner for support.
- Hypnobirthing techniques: Sometimes, the intensity of contractions can leave women feeling panicked. When you panic, your blood will likely rush to your legs as part of the physiological fight-or-flight response. This is counterproductive since your uterus needs blood flow for effective contractions. Getting your breathing under control and refocusing your mind can help you to stay calm. Hypnobirthing techniques and breathing exercises can help here.
- Movement: Hip rotations can help to open up the pelvis and encourage the baby down the birth canal. Rotate your hips like a belly dancer to see if this helps. You could also try carefully walking sideways up or down stairs for the same effect.
Signs labor is moving too quickly
Precipitous labor occurs when a baby is born within three hours of the first contraction. Signs of precipitous labor include:
- The sudden onset of intense contractions.
- Little time to recover between contractions.
- A strong urge to push.
If you think you might be experiencing precipitous labor, call your healthcare provider for advice.
Questions from the Femia community
Can I be dilated without feeling contractions?
Yes—some women don’t notice the contractions of the latent phase of labor. In fact, your cervix can start to dilate weeks before active labor starts.
How can I speed up labor naturally?
You can help your labor progress by staying active and upright during labor. Bounce on your birth ball, choose an upright position, and take gentle walks to get things moving. Don’t forget to stay hydrated and practice your breathing exercises, too.
Does water breaking mean I’m about to give birth?
For some women, water breaking signifies the start of labor. For others, it might not happen until minutes before the baby is born. However, some women find that their waters break hours before contractions. If your waters break before your contractions start, contact your healthcare provider immediately for advice.
What happens if I don’t dilate past a certain point?
Sometimes, birth doesn’t progress the way it should. In these instances, your healthcare provider will be able to advise you on how to encourage contractions. Medical interventions, such as Pitocin, can help to kickstart contractions when necessary. Some women give birth via c-section when labor stalls.
How painful is pushing compared to contractions?
Every birth is different, and it’s impossible to predict how you will cope. While the contractions can be intense, you get a break between them. The pushing stage can feel exhausting, but the relief you feel as you birth your baby is immense.
The bottom line
The latent phase of labor prepares your body to give birth. Active labor (also known as the first stage of labor) begins when your cervix is 6 cm dilated and lasts until your cervix is fully dilated (10 cm). Once you are fully dilated and feeling an urge to push, the second stage of labor begins. By the end of the second stage, your baby will be here.
The third stage of labor occurs as your body expels the placenta. The immediate postpartum period is often called the fourth labor stage. Your healthcare provider will monitor you and your baby during this stage to ensure all is well.
Every labor and birth is different. Things don’t always go to plan, but you’ll have a team of experienced and knowledgeable medical professionals on hand to offer medical support where necessary.
Many expectant parents worry about when to go to the hospital. The 5-1-1 rule is an easy reminder: when you’re having contractions every five minutes that last for at least one minute and have been experiencing these for one hour, it’s time to go to the hospital. It’s nearly time to meet your baby.
- ACOG (published 2020) How to Tell When Labor Begins [Accessed 2025] https://www.acog.org/womens-health/faqs/how-to-tell-when-labor-begins.
- Desai NM, Tsukerman A. Vaginal Delivery. [Updated 2023 Jul 24]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2025 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK559197/.
- Hutchison J, Mahdy H, Hutchison J. Stages of Labor. [Updated 2023 Jan 30]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2025 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK544290/.
- Leveno KJ, Nelson DB, McIntire DD. Second-stage labor: how long is too long? Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2016 Apr;214(4):484-489. doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2015.10.926. Epub 2015 Nov 4. PMID: 26546847. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26546847/.
- Tilden EL, et al. The duration of spontaneous active and pushing phases of labour among 75,243 US women when intervention is minimal: A prospective, observational cohort study. EClinicalMedicine. 2022 May 22;48:101447. doi: 10.1016/j.eclinm.2022.101447. PMID: 35783483; PMCID: PMC9249551. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC9249551/.
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