Is it safe to fly while pregnant? Tips for safe travel during pregnancy

A photo of a woman sitting in an aircraft and wondering 'Is it safe to fly while pregnant?'.


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Created with Hector Chapa, MD, FACOG, Clinical associate professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology Texas A&M University, College of Medicine in Bryan-College Station, USA

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In a nutshell

Can you fly while pregnant? Generally, flying during pregnancy is safe for most women until they reach the 36th week and it’s considered the safest and most comfortable during the second trimester. 

It’s recommended to consult with a healthcare specialist before planning a flight to understand any potential risks or precautions and follow basic safety and comfort tips like:

  • Adhering to airline policies for pregnant passengers
  • Wearing comfy clothes and compression stockings
  • Choosing suitable seats
  • Moving around more frequently
  • Staying hydrated

Can pregnant women fly on a plane? Air travel during pregnancy isn’t uncommon. Yet, despite the high safety of this means of transport–the global rate being only 1.87 accidents per million departures in 2023–there’s never been a shortage of people concerned about the safety of flying, particularly during pregnancy.

In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about flying during pregnancy, including safety, timing recommendations, cases when it’s not recommended, airline policies, and safety tips.

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Is it safe to fly while pregnant?

If you’re wondering “Can pregnant women fly?” – The short answer is “yes.” It’s generally considered absolutely safe to travel by air at any point before 36 weeks for domestic travel and 28 to 35 weeks for international flights. After this time, some airlines might restrict your travel or require you to have a letter from your healthcare specialist.

Is flying safe while pregnant in all cases?

Although it’s mostly safe, it’s important to note that all decisions concerning travel during pregnancy should be made on a case-by-case basis and according to the recommendations of your healthcare provider. A doctor can suggest against flying if you’re dealing with pregnancy complications or have a history of pregnancy problems that could potentially get worse because of air travel, such as vaginal bleeding, high blood pressure or diabetes, anemia, pregnancy with twins or multiples, etc. Hence, it’s crucial that you contact your healthcare provider and discuss how far you’re planning to fly to receive personalized recommendations.

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Situations where flying is not recommended

Although it’s generally safe, there also are some reasons not to travel while pregnant:

  • High-risk pregnancy conditions. Some health conditions can make it more risky to travel by air. These can include preeclampsia or placenta previa.
  • Multiple pregnancies (twins, triplets). If there are no complications, women pregnant with multiples are typically allowed to fly up to the end of the 32nd week.
  • Recent complications or advice against travel from a healthcare provider. You might be advised to not travel by air if you have a history of miscarriages, severe anemia, or vaginal bleeding. Also, your healthcare provider might recommend you avoid flying if you have high blood pressure or diabetes that’s not well controlled.

Tips for safe flying during pregnancy

If you don’t have any specific reasons not to travel while pregnant, plan your flights thoroughly to ensure maximum comfort. Here are a few basic tips to follow:

  • Pick the right seats. Ideally, you should opt for aisle seats for fast and simple access to a toilet. Also, consider seats with extra legroom for more comfort.
  • Avoid sitting for too long. Instead, try moving around a little every 30 minutes to one hour to reduce the risk of blood clots.
  • Choose comfy clothing. Opt for delicate and soft fabrics and select styles that won’t restrict your movement or cause discomfort.
  • Ease your symptoms. If you’re prone to morning or motion sickness, consider getting a nausea remedy from your healthcare provider.
  • Invest in a pair of compression or support stockings. Wearing such stockings during your flight can help support blood circulation and reduce swelling. This is especially useful for longer flights.
  • Stay hydrated. Due to very low humidity levels inside the aircraft, it’s common for passengers to get dehydrated. Be sure to drink plenty of water during your flight to ensure proper hydration.
  • Don’t forget about proper nutrition. Nutrition is crucial for proper fetal development. Hence, even during air travel, eat healthily.
  • Pack your hand luggage wisely. Ensure you have all the essentials at hand, including your medical records, prenatal vitamins, healthy snacks, and anything else you might need during the flight.
  • Inform the crew. Before you take off, let the cabin crew know about your pregnancy and any other medical conditions you might have to ensure they can provide you with appropriate support if needed.

Best times to fly during pregnancy

Okay, if it’s generally safe, when can you fly pregnant? – You already know about the general limitation of 36 weeks for domestic flights and 28-35 weeks for international travel. In addition to this, it’s important to understand the specifics of traveling at every stage of your pregnancy:

First trimester

Weeks 1 to 13 into pregnancy is the time when you just learn about your pregnancy and are getting used to the new role. At this time, your hormones are in overdrive, preparing your body and supporting fetal growth. Hormonal fluctuations typically make this time filled with physical and emotional changes, as well as first-trimester symptoms like:

  • Sore breasts
  • Nausea
  • Mood swings
  • Fatigue
  • Increased urination
  • Mild shortness of breath

So can you fly when pregnant in your first trimester? – It might be risky. While your first-trimester symptoms can make air travel somewhat discomforting on their own, it’s also important to note that the risk of miscarriage is generally the highest during this time. So while flying might be safe, it’s important to be aware of potential risks.

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Second trimester

Weeks 13 to 27 is the time when the fetus actively develops the features of a newborn, such as eyelids, eyelashes, eyebrows, hair, and nails. At this time, you will probably notice your belly growing more actively and might also start feeling the fetus move.

For many women, the second trimester is the time when they have the highest comfort–typically, your fatigue and nausea from the first trimester back down and the baby is still too small to cause significant discomfort from its weight as happens in the third trimester. Due to increased comfort, the second trimester is often considered the best time to travel during pregnancy. It’s also considered the safest due to the lower risk of miscarriage or premature labor.

Third trimester

Weeks 28 to 40–or until the final week before the delivery–is the final stage of your pregnancy. This is the time when your baby continues developing and is rapidly gaining weight, meaning that your belly continues growing as well. As your body and the baby prepare for the upcoming labor, you can experience a variety of physical and emotional challenges, including:

Due to these symptoms, traveling during the third trimester can cause quite a lot of discomfort. Also, this time is when many women have to take more frequent prenatal visits, which might be disturbed by travel. Finally (and most importantly), it has been found that air travel is associated with an increased risk of preterm labor in weeks 3437. For this reason, most airlines restrict or place limitations on pregnant women from flying around this time.

👉Find out more: Danger signs of pregnancy in the second trimester: What to watch for and when to call your doctor

Airline policies for pregnant travelers

Most airlines don’t have strict policies for pregnant passengers. Typically they allow unrestricted travel for up to 36 weeks with general recommendations, such as picking suitable seats and staying calm about going through security checks that are harmless to your baby. However, if you’re flying after 36 weeks or are in a high-risk pregnancy, most airlines, such as United Airlines, might ask you to have a medical clearance with you.

To plan your travel wisely, be sure to check the specific guidelines of different carriers before booking to ensure that you don’t violate any policies.

Questions from the Femia community

  • Is it safe to fly internationally while pregnant?

    Yes, it’s generally considered safe, though the decision should always be made on a case-by-case basis. Before planning an international flight, it’s important to discuss it with your healthcare provider. Additionally, you should consider flight duration, your personal comfort, and healthcare access at your destination.

  • What happens if I go into labor on a flight?

    Airline crews are generally trained for emergencies and should be able to provide some basic care to help you handle in-flight labor. Nevertheless, it’s important to understand the infrequency of in-flight labor compared to other in-flight medical events. Flight attendants may not have sufficient knowledge and experience to aid you, which is why it’s best to avoid flying close to your due date.

  • Does cabin pressure affect pregnancy?

    Cabin pressure inside the aircraft is regulated and generally safe for all passengers, including pregnant women, unless you have a unique condition and your healthcare provider advises against it.

  • Can turbulence harm my baby?

    No. Turbulence is harmless to mothers-to-be and their fetuses. However, you should adhere to the aircraft crew’s recommendations and wear a seatbelt to protect yourself from trauma.

  • Can I pass through airport security while pregnant?

    Yes. As stated by the US Transportation Security Administration, all screening equipment located at the airport is safe for travelers, including pregnant women.

The bottom line

So can pregnant women fly on a plane? – As you now know, the general answer is “yes.” In most cases flying pregnant is considered safe for a mother-to-be and her baby but with some precautions and timing. Namely, it’s important to remember that the second trimester is generally the safest and most comfortable time to travel by air as it has the lowest risk of miscarriage or preterm labor. Also, it’s important to take the necessary measures to ensure maximum comfort during your flight, such as:

  • Pick suitable seats
  • Move around every once in a while
  • Pick comfy clothes
  • Wear compression stockings
  • Stay hydrated and eat well
  • Pack the necessities

Although it’s generally safe, the decision about air travel during pregnancy should be made on a case-by-case basis because certain medical conditions and pregnancy complications may enhance risks. Thus, it’s advised to consult with your healthcare provider before planning air travel and also to check your airline’s travel policies.

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