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Raspberry leaf tea and pregnancy: Benefits, timing, and how it works
- Updated Feb 11, 2025
- Published
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Many women start taking raspberry leaf tea or capsules during late pregnancy to prepare for their upcoming birth. Generations of women have used raspberry leaf tea in hopes of strengthening uterine contractions and reducing labor times. However, the science behind raspberry leaf tea is lacking, with few studies and mixed results. You can start drinking raspberry leaf tea when you’re 32 weeks pregnant, and you should gradually increase from one cup to three cups daily.
According to a 2023 research review published in Nutrients, raspberry leaf tea is one of the most popular herbal supplements for pregnancy. Many women take raspberry leaf tea for labor preparation as they approach their due date. It’s also available in tablet form for those who don’t fancy the tea. Raspberry leaf is said to tone and strengthen the uterine muscles, improving contraction strength and effectiveness during labor.
In this guide, we’ll examine the few scientific studies available, assess the benefits and risks of red raspberry leaf tea during pregnancy, and answer the question, “What does raspberry leaf tea do for pregnancy?”
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What is raspberry leaf tea?
Raspberry leaf tea is an herbal tea made from the red raspberry plant’s leaves. It’s traditionally consumed during late pregnancy, with capsules available for those who dislike the taste. Historically, it has been used to “prepare the body” for labor, but there is limited clinical evidence to support its effectiveness.
While some in vitro studies show that raspberry leaf extract can cause uterine muscle contractions, this doesn’t mean drinking the tea will have the same effect. Clinical studies on raspberry leaf tea are sparse. For example, a 2001 study published in the Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health found a slight reduction in the second stage of labor, but the results were not statistically significant. A 2021 review published in the BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies concluded there’s insufficient evidence to recommend it for medical use, and a 1999 study suggested it may reduce the need for interventions, though the sample size was small.
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Is raspberry tea good for pregnancy?
The benefits of raspberry leaf tea aren’t always backed up by science, but that’s likely because there haven’t been many studies on the effectiveness of this natural remedy. There are very few studies on raspberry leaf during pregnancy, and most of them fail to draw firm conclusions. Most studies conclude that there needs to be more studies into raspberry leaf tea and pregnancy.
Potential raspberry leaf tea benefits in pregnancy are as follows:
It tones the uterine muscles
A 1970s study published in the British Journal of Pharmacology found that uterine muscles contracted when they came in contact with raspberry leaf extract. It’s important to note that the conditions of this study did not replicate those of real-life uterine muscles. Raspberry leaf tea is said to improve uterine muscle tone and is believed to prepare and strengthen the uterine muscles in preparation for labor. The effectiveness of your contractions relies on the strength of your uterine muscles.
It may shorten the second stage of labor
A lack of scientific study makes it difficult to assess the success of raspberry leaf tea in reducing labor times. An old study from 2001 published in the Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health found that women who took raspberry leaf tablets had a slightly shorter second stage of labor (by an average of just under 10 minutes), but the results were not thought to be significant. When you’re in the throes of labor, however, 10 minutes might feel significant.
It may reduce interventions
Again, the science here is lacking. If we dust off a 1999 study published in the Australian College of Midwives Incorporated Journal, women who took raspberry leaf were less likely to have any number of interventions, including a cesarean or forceps birth.
Nutritional benefits
Raspberry leaf is rich in antioxidants and contains vitamins A, C, and E. The tea also boasts anti-inflammatory properties, iron, calcium, and magnesium. Berries are often referred to as superfoods due to their anti-inflammatory properties, and raspberry leaf tea is no different.
It might reduce nausea
If you suffer from third-trimester nausea, raspberry leaf tea might alleviate your sickness. If you’re put off by the bitter taste, try sweetening it with honey or maple syrup. If you’ve been struggling with pregnancy nausea for your entire pregnancy, you’ve probably tried everything in the book to get rid of the constant nausea. If you’re in your third trimester, try raspberry leaf tea and see if it helps.
When to start drinking raspberry leaf tea
Many pregnant women wonder, “When can I start drinking raspberry leaf tea?” The effects of raspberry leaf tea are cumulative, so you should take it for a prolonged period to see results. You can start drinking raspberry leaf tea around weeks 32–34 of your pregnancy.
The tea can stimulate uterine contractions, so you shouldn’t drink it before 32 weeks. Some women drink a cup a day in early pregnancy to reduce pregnancy nausea, but you should discuss this with your healthcare provider to get personalized advice before trying raspberry leaf tea before your third trimester.
How much raspberry leaf tea is safe to drink?
You should start slowly with one cup per day and increase this until you’re drinking three cups of raspberry leaf tea daily. Increasing this gradually reduces the risk of side effects such as nausea. If you’re taking raspberry leaf tablets, follow the manufacturer’s instructions.
If you notice symptoms, such as Braxton Hicks contractions, you should speak to your healthcare provider for advice.
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Does raspberry tea induce labor?
No, raspberry leaf tea doesn’t induce labor. It can’t be used as a one-off natural remedy to induce labor. If you’re full-term and keen to go into labor naturally, you’ll have to rely on tried and tested methods like sex to induce labor.
Raspberry leaf tea might not induce labor, but it’s said to prepare your body for labor. It’s thought raspberry leaf tea can tone the uterine muscles and strengthen uterine contractions, allowing the uterus to contract more efficiently during labor. Don’t forget that the science is lacking, though many women take the view that there’s no harm in trying when it comes to raspberry leaf tea for labor.
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Raspberry leaf tea for labor preparation
During pregnancy, you’ll want to prepare for labor. This may look like packing (and repacking) your hospital bag, taking hypnobirthing classes, and finding out what to expect during birth. Some women drink raspberry leaf tea during late pregnancy to help their bodies prepare for labor. A 2022 study published in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology found that 38% of participants took raspberry leaf products during pregnancy.
A small study published in BMC Complementary Therapies and Medicines in 2024 found that women who take raspberry leaf during pregnancy were more likely to have vaginal births and shorter stages of labor. However, the researchers felt more research was needed before conclusions could be drawn.
Risks and precautions
A 2001 study published in the Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health concluded that raspberry leaf tablets didn’t cause adverse effects during pregnancy.
With a lack of scientific evidence backing up its use, many healthcare providers are reluctant to recommend raspberry leaf tea to women in their care. A 2021 research review published in the BMC Complimentary Medicines and Therapies stated that more research was needed to assess the safety and efficacy of raspberry leaf tea during pregnancy, but that its long history of use may be reassuring.
Potential risks of taking raspberry leaf tea include:
- Uterine contractions. You shouldn’t take raspberry leaf products earlier in the pregnancy as they may stimulate uterine contractions. If you notice Braxton Hicks’s contractions after taking raspberry leaf tea, you should speak to your healthcare provider.
- Loose stools. Raspberry leaf products can cause loose stools or mild nausea in some people. If you notice these symptoms, contact your healthcare provider for advice.
If you have a history of preterm birth, placenta previa, or uterine scars, you shouldn’t take raspberry leaf products. A 2016 case report published in Obstetrics and Gynecology found that raspberry leaf tea could reduce insulin requirements in women with gestational diabetes. If you have gestational diabetes, speak to your healthcare provider before starting raspberry leaf tea.
Questions from the Femia community
Can I drink raspberry leaf tea postpartum?
Yes, some people believe raspberry leaf tea can increase your milk supply. However, scientific evidence is lacking to support these claims.
How soon after drinking raspberry leaf tea will I feel the effects?
The effects of raspberry leaf tea are cumulative, so the tea works to strengthen the uterus over time. You should start drinking raspberry leaf tea from around 32-34 weeks of pregnancy to ensure you benefit from the effects during labor.
What does raspberry leaf tea taste like?
Raspberry leaf tea has an earthy, herbal flavor. If you’re not a fan of herbal teas, you can sweeten your brew by adding honey or lemon. Alternatively, you can take prenatal raspberry leaf tablets.
Are there alternatives to raspberry leaf tea for labor preparation?
Of course, there are lots of ways you can prepare for labor. Prenatal yoga can teach you breathing techniques to help you during contractions. Perineal massage can prepare your perineum for labor. Prenatal classes will ensure you are well-informed in preparation for birth and motherhood.
The bottom line
Many pregnant women use raspberry leaf tea during pregnancy to prepare the uterus for birth. Raspberry leaf tea is thought to tone and strengthen the uterine muscles, allowing them to contract efficiently during labor.
If you’re wondering when to start red raspberry leaf tea, you should start taking raspberry leaf tea at week 32 of your pregnancy. Building up gradually may reduce potential side effects, including loose stools and nausea, so start with one cup daily. Gradually increase this until you’re drinking three cups a day. If you notice side effects, such as Braxton Hicks contractions, speak to your healthcare provider for advice.
Due to the lack of scientific investigation into the efficiency of raspberry leaf tea in preparing the uterus for labor, there is still a lot we don’t know. With so many women using these products during pregnancy, more studies must be carried out to investigate the benefits and risks of this natural remedy. In the meantime, you can decide whether or not you want to include raspberry leaf tea in your pregnancy journey. It’s important to be transparent and speak to your healthcare provider for advice about raspberry leaf tea during pregnancy.
- Bamford DS, Percival RC, Tothill AU. Raspberry leaf tea: a new aspect to an old problem. Br J Pharmacol. 1970 Sep;40(1):161P-162P. PMID: 5487014; PMCID: PMC1702706. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/5487014/.
- Bowman, R.L., Taylor, J. & Davis, D.L. Raspberry leaf (Rubus idaeus) use in pregnancy: a prospective observational study. BMC Complement Med Ther 24, 169 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12906-024-04465-7.
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- Cheang, Kai I. PharmD, MS; Nguyen, Thanh T. BS; Karjane, Nicole W. MD; Salley, Kelsey E. S. MD. Raspberry Leaf and Hypoglycemia in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. Obstetrics & Gynecology 128(6):p 1421-1424, December 2016. | DOI: 10.1097/AOG.0000000000001757 https://journals.lww.com/greenjournal/abstract/2016/12000/raspberry_leaf_and_hypoglycemia_in_gestational.29.
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