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17 weeks pregnant: Baby’s growth, position & belly changes
- Updated Dec 2, 2024
- Published
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At 17 weeks pregnant, your baby’s movements are increasing, and they’re positioned low in the abdomen. The fetus is already the size of a turnip and is practicing movements like sucking and swallowing. You may notice a rounder belly, a boost in energy, and possibly even the first faint kicks.
At 17 weeks pregnant, you’re well into the second trimester, a time when your baby is rapidly growing and developing essential reflexes. Many moms-to-be enjoy a boost in energy this week, with a growing appetite to match. Your uterus is expanding to accommodate your baby, and some women may start feeling light flutters as the baby moves. Here’s everything to expect in week 17, from fetal development to belly changes and self-care advice.
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17-week pregnancy symptoms
As you progress through the second trimester, you may notice a shift in symptoms as your body adjusts to your growing baby. Common symptoms at 17 weeks include:
- Increased appetite: As nausea subsides, your appetite may grow to support the baby’s rapid development.
- Mild back pain: The expanding uterus can put pressure on your lower back, leading to mild discomfort, especially after long periods of standing.
- Round ligament pain: Stretching ligaments around the uterus may cause mild aches or sharp pains in your lower abdomen.
- Nasal congestion: Increased blood flow can lead to pregnancy rhinitis, causing mild stuffiness or nasal congestion.
- Belly growth: Many women notice a more defined belly as the uterus expands upward, pushing against the abdominal wall.
👉Find out more: Reaching week 16: Baby’s development, your changing belly, and health tips
Your body at 17 weeks pregnant
At 17 weeks, your uterus is continuing to grow, and it may be positioned just below your belly button, which often creates a more visible bump. Hormonal shifts and increased blood volume can lead to mild congestion and occasional lightheadedness, so remember to stay hydrated and move slowly when standing up.
Your center of gravity is beginning to shift, which can affect balance, so wearing comfortable, supportive shoes is a good idea. As your belly expands, you may also feel mild discomfort in your lower abdomen from round ligament stretching, especially with sudden movements. Using a pregnancy weight gain calculator can help you monitor healthy weight gain.
17-week pregnant belly
By 17 weeks, many women start to show a distinct bump, especially those with a smaller frame or previous pregnancies. The uterus is moving upward in the abdomen, and the bump is becoming more defined, reflecting your baby’s growth. Embrace these changes and consider wearing comfortable, maternity-friendly clothes to support your body as it adapts. Using a pregnancy-tracking app can help you monitor your belly changes and keep you informed about your little one’s development.
Baby development at 17 weeks pregnancy
At 17 weeks, your baby’s bones are becoming stronger and are now hardening. The baby is also developing more active reflexes, like sucking and swallowing, as they practice movements essential for survival after birth. Sensory organs are maturing, and the baby’s ears are developing to the point where they may begin to hear faint sounds, including your voice. The baby is also growing rapidly in length, with a more proportionate body as limbs and torso continue to develop.
17-week baby size
The 17-week baby size is approximately 5 inches long and weighs about 5 ounces, similar to the size of a turnip. The baby is becoming more active and stronger, practicing essential reflexes and movements that will continue to mature in the coming weeks.
17-week ultrasound
A 17-week ultrasound may reveal remarkable details of your baby’s development. During a 17-week ultrasound 3D scan, you might observe finer features, such as fingers, toes, and even the outline of facial features. If you haven’t yet learned your baby’s gender and wish to, this is around the time when some providers may be able to give you an estimate, although it may not be confirmed until later. An ultrasound is usually done later in the pregnancy, between 18 and 22 weeks, and is called a fetal anatomy scan. During this scan, the doctor examines the baby’s major organs and may also check the baby’s sex.
Where is my baby at 17 weeks in my stomach?
At 17 weeks, your baby is positioned low in your abdomen, near the pelvic area. As the uterus grows and expands, it gradually moves upward, and you may notice your belly becoming rounder and more pronounced.
Tests to expect at 17 weeks of pregnancy
- Urine tests: Routine checks for protein, and infections are common.
- Blood pressure screening: Regular blood pressure monitoring is key to identifying conditions like preexisting hypertension (prior to 20 weeks) and preeclampsia (after 20 weeks). Blood pressure should be checked at every visit.
👉Find out more:
Exploring week 18: What’s happening with baby and your changing body
Week 19 of pregnancy: What’s happening with your baby and bump
Health tips and self-care at 17 weeks pregnant
- Focus on balanced nutrition: With an increased appetite, try to include a variety of nutrient-rich foods to support your baby’s growth and energy needs.
- Stay active: Engage in safe, low-impact exercises, like walking, swimming, or prenatal yoga, to promote circulation and relieve mild back pain.
- Use supportive pillows: As your belly grows, consider using a pregnancy pillow or supportive cushions to help with sleep and relieve pressure.
- Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water helps manage congestion, circulation, and energy levels as blood volume increases.
Monitor your health and your baby’s growth throughout pregnancy with Femia
Questions from the Femia community
Any tips for pregnancy sex?
Communication is key; discuss comfort with your partner and explore different positions. Side-lying or spooning can often be more comfortable as your belly grows. If your placenta has been found on ultrasound to be covering the cervix, sex is typically not allowed so be sure to ask your healthcare provider.
How can I manage nasal congestion at week 17?
Staying hydrated, using a humidifier, and saline nasal sprays can help relieve pregnancy-related nasal congestion.
When should I start thinking about prenatal classes?
Many start around 20 weeks, but researching and registering now can give you a head start on finding classes that fit your schedule.
Is it normal to feel lightheaded?
Yes, hormonal shifts and increased blood volume can cause occasional lightheadedness. Move slowly when standing up, and keep hydrated to help manage this symptom.
The bottom line
At 17 weeks pregnant, your baby is growing rapidly, practicing reflexes, and even beginning to hear faint sounds. Your body is adjusting with a more noticeable bump and some new symptoms, such as mild back pain and nasal congestion. Embrace these changes, stay active with safe exercises, and focus on balanced nutrition and hydration to support you and your baby through this exciting stage of pregnancy.
- “17 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms, Baby Development & Tips.” BabyCenter, www.babycenter.com/pregnancy/week-by-week/17-weeks-pregnant.
- “Week 17 of Pregnancy: Symptoms, Baby Development & More.” What to Expect, www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/week-by-week/week-17.aspx.
- “17 Weeks Pregnant: Baby Development, Symptoms & Tips.” NHS, www.nhs.uk/pregnancy/week-by-week/1-to-12/17-weeks/.
- “Pregnancy Week 17: What to Expect.” American Pregnancy Association, www.americanpregnancy.org/healthy-pregnancy/week-by-week/17-weeks-pregnant/.
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